Monday, November 18, 2013

Sample Poem from Volume XXXIV

Kelley Jean White

 Essay Questions

Chose three of five:


1. Discuss the character of the mother in Book 1. How does her bedtime story of the rabbit and the lost meadow reflect the birth of the narrator and the family secret?


2. Discuss the symbolism of kettles in light of the coming of age theme.


3. In chapter 7, Nora Jean claims that Margo’s loss of innocence is the cause of Jeremy’s suicide. Do you agree? Is the narrator unreliable? Does your opinion matter?


4. History seems unimportant in the secondary narrative of Aunt Virginia’s courtship. Discuss 18th century cotton mills anyway.


5. The book does not deal with religion or business ethics. Choose another book you have read that does. Quote a specific page in this book. Note: you will be judged on the accuracy of your recreation of specific sentences as well as the spiritual principles you claim they espouse.


Short answer:


1. Compare and contrast the Northern Renaissance and the Industrial Revolution. Use at least three specific examples of coal from the narrative to demonstrate your understanding. Chose three minor characters and change their names.


2. If   x=(t) x (m) and y= f (m) x (h-t) calculate the price of coal.


3. Define maturity as it relates to your parents.


4. Choose your favorite food. Show how it undermines Jeremy’s suicidal intent and ultimate choice of weapon.


5. Imagine another ending for Book 7. Prove how that ending would make Book 8 impossible.


6. Consider the effect on the environment of John Doe’s execution by electric chair in chapter eleven. Will utility rates rise or fall? Illustrate your answer with specific bills your roommate has received.


7. Define the seventh word in the second paragraph of page 127.


8. How many words are on page 246? Why? Can any of these words be eliminated?


9. What synonym for charisma would improve your appreciation of the student seated in the front row of yesterday’s lecture’s tattoo?


10. Do you think this class should have met before or after lunch? Why?


11. Make up a definition of ‘truth.’ Prove the error of this definition based on the clothing worn by three of the girls in the class.


12. Professor Tanner wrote her thesis on the influence of Moroccan tile on the fast food industry. Why was she chosen to teach this course?


13. Show how the books in this course will enhance your likelihood of choosing a supportive life partner? (alternate: explain why your parents chose poorly.)



Extra Credit: Write your own novel of intrigue and sexual coercion. Get it published.

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